7th standard maths term 3 | Statistics chapter 5 | Exercise 5.1
7th standard maths term 3 chapter 5 Statistics Exercise 5.1 Question 1 to 11 full answer page number 99 to 100 7th maths term 3 exercise 5.1 questions:- 1. Fill in the blanks 2. Ages of 15 students in 8th standard is 13, 12, 13, 14, 12, 13, 13, 14, 12, 13, 13, 14, 13, 12, 14. Find the mean age of the students. 3. The marks of 14 students in a science test out of 50 are given below. 34, 23, 10, 45, 44, 47, 35, 37, 41, 30, 28, 32, 45, 39 Find (i) the mean mark. (ii) the maximum mark obtained. (iii) the minimum mark obtained 4. The mean height of 11 students in a group is 150 cm. The heights of the students are 154 cm, 145 cm, Y cm, Y + 4 cm, 160 cm, 151 cm, 149 cm, 149 cm, 150 cm, 144 cm and 140 cm. Find the value of Y and the heights of two students? 5. The mean of runs scored by a cricket team in the last 10 innings is 276. If the scores are 235, 400, 351, x, 100, 315, 410, 165, 260, 284, then find the runs scored in the fourth innings. 6. Find the mean of the following data. 5.1, 4.8, 4.3, 4.5, 5.1, 4.7, 4.5, 5.2, 5.4, 5.8, 4.3, 5.6, 5.2, 5.5 7. Arithmetic mean of 10 observations was found to be 22. If one more observation 44 was to be added to the data, what would be the new mean? Objective type questions:- 8. ________ is a representative value of the entire data 9. The mean of first fifteen even numbers is _____ 10. The average of two numbers are 20. One number is 24, another number is ___ 11. The mean of the data 12, x, 28 is 18. Find the value of x.