How is IBS Treated? (Conventional Vs. Holistic Treatment)

How is IBS Treated? (Conventional Vs. Holistic Treatment)

How can you treat IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? Is IBS even curable? We all heard that there are many ways to treat Irritable bowel Syndrome or IBS. Two major treatments are through the Conventional Approach and Holistic Approach. In this video, Dr. DiNezza compares these approaches side by side as how they manage IBS-C and IBS-D. ---------- Want to work with me? I'd love to help you overcome: Bloat and/or abdominal distention (preggo belly, minus the baby) Abdominal pain (tummy pain) Constipation and/or diarrhea Poop like a champion AND eat the foods you love 😊 ➡️ ⬅️ Like this video? Be sure to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE this video, and leave a COMMENT. (These things help me grow the channel and make more videos 😎) Links 'n things: Patreon:   / drdinezza   Instagram: @gut.microbiome.queen IBS Freedom Podcast:    / @ibsfreedompodcast   Downloadable guides and stuff: Dr. Nicole DiNezza, DC, NTP Holly Springs, NC