Genesis Ch37 Pt72;Dr. Sherman Jaquess;03-12-25;Matoaka Baptist Church

Genesis Ch37 Pt72;Dr. Sherman Jaquess;03-12-25;Matoaka Baptist Church

Follow us on social media-- YouTube:    / @matoakabaptistchurch-bartl6249   Facebook:   / sherman.jaquess.92   Twitter:   / matoakab   Sermon Audio: If you were blessed by this sermon, please consider donating here: We pray God’s Holy Spirit quenches yours to eternal life through His everlasting powerful Word. May you be born-again of the incorruptible seed that always yields the fruits of His Holy Spirit and moreover leads to eternal life with Him, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST – The King of King’s and the Lord of Lord’s – The Alpha and the Omega – The Great “I AM”- The Author and Finisher of our faith – just to name a few. Hallelujah JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN – HE IS RISEN INDEED!!