5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Lifting | Make sure you don't fall for these traps!!

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Lifting | Make sure you don't fall for these traps!!

➡️ Interested in 1-1 Coaching? Apply/Enquire Here!: https://nqbyvbeum7v.typeform.com/to/O... ➡️ EHPLabs Athlete | CZ10 for 10% off | https://ehplabs.com ➡️ Ryderwear Athlete | CZFIT for 10% off | http://uk.ryderwear.com/czfit (I wear size XS) Hey lovelies! There's SO many things I wish I knew at the start of my fitness journey, so many misconceptions about lifting, "toning up", building muscle, getting "abs" that I fell for and wasted time on! I hope that if you resonate with any of these, this video can give you the truth! Let me know if you'd like more of these and would love to cover other things I know now which I didn't know at the start of my own journey! Lots of Love, CZ xx Seeya on Friday for a great leg day ;)