No Knead Atta Bread||Easy Recipe

No Knead Atta Bread||Easy Recipe

Ingredients: Note: Always measure the ingredients while making bread. 1. Atta - 260g 2. Bread flour/All-purpose flour - 260g Note: Please see the link below to know why I didn't use 100% Atta flour. 3. Yeast - 1 tsp 4. Sugar - 2 tsp 5. Egg - 1 (Optional) Note: You can substitute it with 50 ml more water or milk. 6. Salt - 1 tsp Method: 1. Mix sugar and yeast to lukewarm milk. Let it rest for 5 mins. 2. Measure atta and bread flour into a bowl. Add in the milk+yeast mixture. 3. Mix everything well with the back-end of a spatula so that the wet ingredients is evenly in-cooperated into the dry ingredients. 4. Add in the egg or milk. (See the note above). Again mix well and let it proof for 6 hrs in a warm environment. 5. After 6 hours the dough will be doubled in size. Carefully stretch and fold the dough for about 2 mins. 6. Transfer it into the baking tray. Let it rest for another hour in room temperature. Bake in 200 degree preheated oven for about 20-30 mins or until the top part is evenly browned.