Why Hazard in Overwatch 2 is PERFECTLY Balanced... for now
The Hazard play test has ended in Overwatch 2, and this must be one of the most interesting tanks they added in a while. Let’s have a look. ➡️ FIRST look at Season 14 : ➡️ • Overwatch 2 Season 14 - New Hero, new... 📖 Get Overwatch 2: Heroes Ascendant Story Collection ➡️ https://amzn.to/3CxG3fT edit by Deemzies Check The Omnic Weekly podcast: linktr.ee/omnicweekly #overwatch2 #season14 #hazard --- Want to Support me while getting your name in the videos, receiving exclusive goodies, and more? Get out my Patreon: / theomnicpost FOLLOW THE OMNIC POST: Twitter: @omnicpost | / omnicpost Instagram: @omnicpost | / omnicpost TikTok: @omnicpost | / theomnicpost WATCH MY STREAMS ON TWITCH: / deemziestv FOLLOW ME: / deemziestv / deemziestv / deemziestv JOIN MY DISCORD: / discord