Bill Burr All Lesbian Lookalike - Hilarious! A must-see

Bill Burr All Lesbian Lookalike - Hilarious! A must-see

00:00:00 - All Lesbian Lookalike Bill Burr 00:08:28 - Bill Burr and Joe Rogan Talks About Bear n Elk 00:13:59 - Bill Burr Gets Emotional While Talking About Norm Macdonald 00:19:58 - Bill Burr on Cancelling Dead People 00:26:03 - Bill Burr Reacts to Norm Macdonalds Death 00:35:47 - BILL BURR SEXUAL ASSAULT PAPER TIGER 00:41:23 - Feminism is like a Band You Cant Stand Bill Burr 00:51:21 - Homeless Guy Bit Bill Burr and Norm Macdonald 00:57:47 - Joe Rogan Bill Burr Gender Wage Gap is a Myth 01:01:54 - Thank you very much