No Getting Around It, Resident Evil 5 Just Sucks.

No Getting Around It, Resident Evil 5 Just Sucks.

Resident Evil 5 Just sucks. There is no getting around it the A.I. is awful, the combat is choppy, graphics aren't great and it is just boring. 0:00- Intro 2:23- Opening Cutscene 4:00- Resident Evil 4 highlights 4:23- Combat gameplay 5:58- Game over screen 6:43 more bad gameplay 6:56 Leon vs. Regenerator 7:52- Chris and Sheva vs. Bioweapon 9:10- boring bunker gameplay 10:00- meeting Irving 11:02- Fighting bat bioweapon 11:56- Indiana Jones Resident Evil style gameplay 12:23- fighting infected ape 13:06- underground city in tomb raider resident evil 13:33- sun lazer puzzle resident evil 5 14:00- Irving squid monster fight 15:10 Chris and Jill vs. Wesker 15:55- Return of the Lickers 16:40- Walking down tunnel filled with Lickers 17:08 Driving hoverboat in marshlands and escaping tribe islands 17:25 Hunting treasure in Aligator infested waters 17:53- I gave up 18:10- Summary 19:14- Outro