6 Types Elbow Pain | Causes of Elbow Pain & Treatment | कोहनी के दर्द और उनका इलाज | Dr Amit Mittal
Welcome to dr Amit Mittal hand surgeon channel in this video dr Amit Mittal described 6Types of Elbow Pain | Causes of Elbow Pain & Treatment. Dr. Amit Mittal is an immensely experienced Orthopaedic and one of the best Hand Surgeons in Jaipur Rajasthan, He has managed major degloving injuries of the upper and lower limb including pediatric patients successfully. He got 2nd rank in Diplomat National board in Hand and Microsurgery-2012 [DNB-FNB]. He had exposure in the salvage of major injuries to extremities including Replantation, Brachial plexus injuries, hand injuries, and congenital anomalies. He has been trained in managing spastic hands. this video cover topic is :- 1. Tenis Elbow Pain :- What Is Tenis Elbow ? Tenis Elbow Pain .टेनिस एल्बो क्या है ? कैसे होती है लक्षण और एक्ससाइज Tennis elbow occurs when there is a problem with the tendon (called the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle tendon) that attaches to the outside part of the elbow bone called the lateral epicondyle, thus giving tennis elbow the medical name 'lateral epicondylitis.'2 This tendon is the attachment site of the muscle that functions to cock the wrist back (called wrist extension). 2. radial tunnel syndrome:- Radial Tunnel Syndrome, also known as Radial Nerve Entrapment, is a condition that occurs when the radial nerve that runs beside the bones and muscle of the forearm and elbow becomes compressed. 3. Biceps Tendon Injuries:- The biceps muscle has two tendons that attach it to the bones of the shoulder and one tendon that attaches to the radius bone at the elbow. Injuries to the muscle include tendonitis and tendon tears. 4. Bursitis:- Bursitis can occur at any age. It affects the fluid-filled sacs that provide cushion to the tissues surrounding your joints. These small, fluid-filled sacs are called bursae. Bursitis occurs as a result of bursae inflammation. 5. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome :- Cubital tunnel syndrome happens when the ulnar nerve, which passes through the cubital tunnel (a tunnel of muscle, ligament, and bone) on the inside of the elbow, becomes inflamed, swollen, and irritated. Cubital tunnel syndrome causes pain that feels a lot like the pain you feel when you hit the "funny bone" in your elbow. The "funny bone" in the elbow is actually the ulnar nerve, a nerve that crosses the elbow. The ulnar nerve starts in the side of your neck and ends in your fingers. 6. golfer elbow pain :- Golfer’s Elbow hurts on the inside and is caused by an inflammation of the tendon where the forearm muscles connect to the bone. When the tendon gets overused, the boney protrusion at the outside of the inner elbow becomes aggravated and causes pain. kalai ke dard ka ilaj kalai ke dard ko kaise theek karen kalai ke dard ki exercise kalai ke dard ka gharelu upay kalai ke dard ki dava tenis elbow ka treatments radial tunnel syndrome in hindi bursitis elbow #HandSurgery #vascularsurgery #handreplantation #ReconstructivePlasticSurgery #MicrovascularSurgery #HandReconstruction #HandTrauma #HandSurgeryClinic #dramitmittal #mittalhand #handsurgeon #handreplant #ReconstructiveHandSurgery #handsurgeon #handsurgery #hathkailaaj #orthopedic #jaipur #besthandsurgeon #bestorthopedicsurgeon Dr. Amit Mittal MBBS, DNB (Orthopedics), FNB (Hand and Microsurgery) Address: 121, 122 SR Complex, Tagore Nagar, Ajmer Main Road, 200 Feet Bypass, Jaipur, Rajasthan Contact: +91 9571199100 Email Id: [email protected] Website: http://jaipurhandsurgery.com/ #HandSurgeon #Orthopedics #WristPain #wristpaincauses #wristDrop