Yellowjackets Season 3 Episode 5 “Did Tai Do That?” SPOILER Recap, Breakdown + Ending Explained
Here’s my Yellowjackets Season 3 Episode 5 “Did Tai Do That?” SPOILER Breakdown, Reaction, Recap and Ending Explained Video. Were you surprised Coach Scott survived? How is Ben the key to the Yellowjackets getting home from the wilderness? Who do you think killed Lottie was it Shauna or Tai? Did you think Akilah was going to die in this episode and what did you think of Akilah’s vision from the cave with Coach Scott? Will Shauna become the new Antler Queen? How do you guys feel about Shauna and Melissa’s relationship this season? Where are Tai and Van going? Do you hope Misty and Walter work things out? What are your predictions for Yellowjackets Season 3 Episode 6? What was your reaction to Yellowjackets Season 3 Episode 5? Leave your theories and predictions for Yellowjackets Season 3 down below in the comments and make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss my Season 3 Episode Breakdowns/Recaps and Interviews with Yellowjackets Cast Members!