”Jesus Our Savior’s Rescue Mission” John 4: 10 Second Sunday in Lent February 25, 2024
Immanuel Lutheran Church Member of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod Located on HWY 10 in Audubon, MN ELS/WELS 218-439-6259 February 25, 2024 Second Sunday in Lent Theme: ”Jesus Our Savior’s Rescue Mission” Sermon: John 4: 10 Lessons: Old Testament: Genesis 3: 1-24 Epistle: 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-7 Gospel: John 4: 5-26 Hymns TLH 390 151 v. 1-3 148 v. 1-4 Communion 304, 163 387 v. 1-4 Order of Service Page 15