Advent 4 Sunday Service December 19, 2021
Thank you for sharing your time with us at Calvary United Church. The theme for this week is "Seeking Sanctuary" (LOVE). This service has been adapted from a beautiful liturgy written by Rev. Sarah Speed at sanctifiedart.org, used with permission. Opening Intro Intro music "Angels We Have Heard on High" from https://www.freexmasmp3.com/ Processional: "Hark the Glad Sound" vs1,3,4 Words: Philip Doddridge Music: Thomas Haweis; adapt. Samuel Webbe; desc. John Wilson Doxology: “Gloria, Gloria" Words: trad. liturgical setting Music: Jacques Berthier; arr. Darryl Nixon Thank you to Bob Gibson and the band members for the special music this week! Scripture Readings: Psalm 80 and Luke 1:39-56 read by Arleen Koshman Sermon by Rev. Nora Vedress Hymn: "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" Words: German 15th century; English trans. Theodore Baker Music: German trad. melody; harm. Michael Praetorius Hymn: "There Was a Child in Galilee" Words & Music: Janet Gadeski; arr. Patricia Wright Benediction Hymn: “Love Shines as the Solitary Star" Words: Catherine Faith MacLean Music: Janet Baumann Tissandier Outro: Music: Shining Stars” by Rafael Krux from freepd.com Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-606441. All rights reserved. Thank you to everyone who helped out with this week's service! https://www.calvaryunitedpa.ca/calvar... https://www.calvaryunitedpa.ca/donate... https://www.calvaryunitedpa.ca/