Chasing the Light - December 11, 2022
Welcome to Online Worship with Audubon Park United Methodist Church, located in Spokane, Washington. Worship with us every Sunday at 9:00 AM. You can expect uplifting songs (a blend of both traditional hymns and contemporary worship music) prayer, scripture and a powerful message of hope. New to Audubon Park Church? Start here! - http://audubonparkumc.org/welcome/visit Please sign in using the online connection card - http://audubonparkumc.org/connect Donate online here - http://audubonparkumc.org/give To be added to our email list go here - http://audubonparkumc.org/connect Facebook - fb.com/audubonparkumc Twitter - twitter.com/audubonparkumc Instagram - instagram.com/audubonparkumc/ Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License, License # A-730955 & CCLI License # CSPL151776