Mattel Disney Pixar Cars | 2021 | Sneak Peeks S2/EP.7 | Crazy Cars

Mattel Disney Pixar Cars | 2021 | Sneak Peeks S2/EP.7 | Crazy Cars

Throughout these past 2 weeks new die-cast have been revealed, and I haven't been posting videos on that, so I decided to put it all in 1 whole video, so you can see every new leak from last week through today. All of these new reveals are, 2021 Spring Poster, "Golden" Lightning McQueen in Packaging, NASCAR characters in package, and out of package, 2021 Die-cast 5-Pack. Take 5 A Day: Poster - Gold McQueen - NASCAR - NASCAR Danny Swervez - Season 2: Episode 6 -    • Mattel Disney Pixar Cars New 2021 Rev...   Episode 5 -    • Mattel Disney Pixar Cars | 2021 | Spu...   Episode 4 -    • Mattel Disney Pixar Cars | Sputter St...   (CHAPTERS) 0:00 Intro 0:48 Poster (Review) 1:46 NASCAR (Review) 2:28 NASCAR Article 3:03 Danny Swervez (NASCAR) 3:07 "Golden" Lightning McQueen 3:15 (2021) Die-cast 5-Pack 3:35 Outro Thanks For Watching GUUUYS! #CrazyCars #SneakPeeks #DisneyCars