Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 / PS4 All Cutscenes - Claire's Guide!
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Gameplay / Walkthrough Part 1 PS4 All Cutscenes Resident Evil gameplay once more! This time Resident Evil Revelations 2 in a first time gameplay playthrough! Claire Redfield and Barry Burton return to the series, and they're as fun as ever. Plus, two new characters in that of Barry's little angel - Moira! And his wonderful sidekick - Natalia. She may dress awful, but her help on saving the day is irreplaceable. Follow on Twitch - / aloversgaming Support the channel on Patreon - / aloversgaming Resident Evil: Revelations 2's story takes place between Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6. While Chris is away having his own problems and adventures, Claire finds herself in trouble. Despite being a civilian, Claire is made the target of an evil group run by a beautiful, but wicked woman. Claire and Moira have to work together to escape the group and the monsters they have created on a hellish island away from anyone that could lend a hand. That's where Barry comes in. The S.T.A.R.S legend isn't going to allow anyone to hurt his kid and sister of his close friend, Chris Redfield. He's coming to save the day, and with help from the mysteriously gifted Natalia. Resident Evil Revelations 2 is split up into episodes like the original game that starred Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine. Which means your better off skipping intros to the next episode as they spoil everything. On the upside, however, is the story and atmosphere. Gone is most of the anime, over the time nonsense of the original Revelations, and back to a more normal Resident Evil tone we return. The only issue being the hold overs of the original story playing a part in this game, bringing in that unwanted anime style naming and vibe I disliked. In fact, i'd say this game was overall far greater than the original Revelations. While the creepy ship is scarier than anything from this title, the atmosphere remains consistent throughout. No weird side kicks or heavy action sections here. Puzzles also return midway through the game. Which was a surprise considering how A to B the game is until later chapters, then they include a few, but very much respected puzzles I love my Resident Evil to have. I wish the game had more of them, but i'll take what I can get. Another problem is the lack of exploration. It's very by the books go straight and game over, you win. Backtracking exists but in a not so fun way. You feel like the game repeats its self too much in areas regarding playing as Barry and Natalia, it's a shame. The games difficulty also proves too easy at times to be a threat. It didn't bother me as I don't enjoy the heavy action Resident Evil's, but some people may be displeased at how quickly you can become overpowered. At least for normal mode. The upgrade system returns for weapons, and you learn new abilities, such as faster healing, and increased damage when shooting while kneeling. With just a few minor upgrades you'll run through most enemies with your handgun, leaving you with upgrade slots that you feel uninterested in maxing out as they no longer matter. There are higher difficulties for you to try your skills out on, though, as well as Raid Mode returning with new features that made it a fan favourite. While not perfect; Resident Evil Revelations 2 is a step up compared to the original, RE6, REmake 3, and in ways - RE5. Though i'd still give the edge to 5 overall. I think we won't be seeing a Claire Redfield starring video game in the Resident Evil series for a long time, if ever again. So, if this was the end of Claire as a playable character, then it was a pretty good title to go out on. Not great, both in terms of game and how Claire is written, but given the time of this games release, it was certainly a better Resident Evil than fans were trained to believe we'd get during that era. I hope we see more Claire and Barry, side games or main. Resident Evil Revelations 3 will likely continue this storyline, so there's hope yet. Perhaps including the return of the legend herself - Jill Valentine, would be good for not only gamers, but Capcom would surely get a sales boost, too. Enjoy my playthrough and commentary of Revelations 2, and if you do, consider following me on Patreon and Twitch. Thank you! Follow on Twitch - / aloversgaming Support the channel on Patreon - / aloversgaming