Trans-Siberian Orchestra "O Come All Ye Faithful/O Holy Night" live 12/17/17 (4) Philadelphia 3p TSO
Re-uploaded in Feb. 2024 after unintentional termination of previous squintyt4e account. Full show captured live in 1080p HD on December 17, 2017 at the 3pm matinee show of The Ghosts of Christmas Eve 2017 tour from Sec 3, Row 1, seat 6 (front row) at the Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, PA. Full show playlist: • Trans-Siberian Orchestra - 12/17/2017... 2017 TSO East: Guitar - Chris Caffery & Joel Hoekstra; Drums - Jeff Plate; Bass - Tony Dickinson; Violin - Roddy Chong; Keyboards - Derek Wieland & Mee Eun Kim; Narrator - Bryan Hicks; Singers: Natalya Rose, Georgia Napolitano, Ava Davis, Lisa Lavie, Kayla Reeves, Zak Stevens, Dustin Brayley, Robin Borneman, Rob Evan, Russell Allen. For over 100 full show TSO captures since 2011 visit: / @squintyt4etso For my TSO Interview series visit: http://squintyt4e.livejournal.com For more information about TSO visit: http://www.trans-siberian.com Captured and uploaded for historical and archival purposes, if there is an issue please contact me.