DAY 3 Love Songs Challenge: FLY ME TO THE MOON Ukulele Tutorial (for Baritone too!)
Welcome! Today we continue the Ukulele Love Songs Challenge, also known as "Fall in Love with Uke." The tutorials will include the chords for ALL ukuleles (including baritone ukulele). A new video for this challenge will be posted every 3 days and there will be a total of 10 songs. The songs in this challenge were chosen by the community, so thank you all for your recommendations! Hopefully this will help prepare you for special occasions. Here's a link to all of the tutorials in this series https://tinyurl.com/yba6sf2p If you are sharing videos of yourself playing these songs, use the hashtag #fallinlovewithuke 💁🏻♀️ PRINTABLE LINK https://tinyurl.com/ya5vl3ah 👉🏼 INSTAGRAM LINK / plazi ➥➥➥ SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS ➥➥➥ Never miss a video about learning ukulele Subscribe ⇢ https://tinyurl.com/y7ej5xe6 ➥➥➥ SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS ➥➥➥ 💜 UKULELES USED ENYA M6 UKULELE https://amzn.to/2D2AODE 🤗 BARITONE UKULELE https://tinyurl.com/yb9ppu5o 👉 E-MAIL LIST Join our mailing list to receive updates about new videos, challenges, and giveaways. Simply e-mail me at bernadetteteachesmusic@gmail.com and say "add me to the VIP list!" 🤗 PATREON / bernadetteteachesmusic 💛 DONATE https://paypal.me/BERNADETTEETCHEVERRY Special thank to Cole Brandt for the background music. You can find Cole's channel here • Teaches Music - Cole Brandt