pt 1 the Mysterious 75-day Gap of Daniel 12:11,12
In connecting the dots of Daniel 9's Seventy Week prophecy with his final prophecy of Daniel 12, we learn new insights into the most significant prophecies of the Old Testament. Sadly, the Daniel 12 prophecy is often missed or skipped over, yet it is the capstone of the Seventy Week prophecy. Please join me this first of 5 studies and see how grand, how marvelous, and how precise our Lord is with these two prophecies of His plan and purpose of history. Contents: 0:00 Introduction 3:20 The Mystery of Daniel 12:11, 12 - an introduction 7:23 The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9:14-27 Surveyed 10:00 What Does the Term "weeks" Really Mean 12:26 A Comparative Chronology of the Babylonian Captivity 490 weeks and the 490 weeks of Daniel's Seventy Week 22:03 The Lord's Grace and Mercy as He Forgave Israel Again and Again For more information go to www.CMI-TV.net