Pleasing God | W6 | April 5, 2023 | Strawbridge Community Church | New Windsor, MD
Notes: https://strawbridgeumc.org/wp-content... Peace and grace all– we are in the period of the year considered HOLY WEEK, and what an appropriate Bible Study lesson for our consideration. We are continuing to understand what it means to Please God by carefully examining the lessons and teachings of Jesus our Savior, who pleased God in all He did (works) and sacrificed. Unit II is Jesus’ Example thru Sacrifice. Please read the Lesson 6 scriptures (John 20:1-10, 19-20 and Ephesians 1:15-23) and the attached lesson exposition, Risen from the Dead! We will challenge the class to determine what sacrifice Jesus is making in this lesson. Prepare answers to the following five (5) questions for our Wednesday (6:30pm) ZOOM Bible Study encounter. Why does the Christian church worship on Sunday when the Biblical Sabbath is still Friday eve (sunset) thru Saturday? What do you feel about the entire tomb scene (ie rolled stone, cloths, head wrapping, missing body)? In John 20, verses 1 and 19, emphasis is made that it’s the First Day. If one still keeps God’s creation week of seven days intact, the Sunday after is considered the 8th day. Research and describe the phenomena of the 8th day? Can Christians be considered an 8th Day creation? What negates the conversation that Jesus’ body was simply stolen and there is no resurrection? What three things should all Christians have according to Paul’s letter, in Ephesians 1:18-19? What do you make of a resurrected Jesus saying, “Peace to you!” the first time He is seen by His followers who were thinking the worst? a. b. c. Permitting things that fulfill all righteousness for now, amb ross Pleasing the Father – Jesus’ Example thru Works & Sacrifice: Work in Rituals (Baptism, Holy Communion), Work in Warfare (Fighting Temptation, Resisting the Devil), and Work in Practice (Representing the Father, Participating in Ministry, Living the Faith) Sacrifice in submission Sacrifice in suffering One Church, One People, One Ministry and Our Eyes Are Watching God! #strawbridgecommunitychurch #strawbridgecc #strawbridgechurch #church #faith