L-3। CH-1। National health Policy। Indian Perspective। Social Pharmacy D Pharmacy 1st year। Hindi।
Hey! My name is Shahruddin Khan Today In this video I cover the topic National Health Policy - Indian Perspective in Social Pharmacy in D Pharma 1st Year in Hindi. ____________________________________________ For Joining D Pharm 1st year Batch‘Pharma Saathi’ on Pharmacy wala app click here 👇 Download Pharmacy wala app ✅ 👇 • Pharmacy wala App Download Problem..!! 💥 Contact on 9548500262 for any query related to any semester/course ☎️ ____________________________________________ Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for ”fair use” for purposes such as critisism,comment ,news reporting , teaching,scholrship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational and personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Follow on Instagram:- (Personal) / shahruddinkhan921 Follow on Instagram:- (Channel) / pharmacy_wala / Like Facebook Page :- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... ___________________________________________ Join Telegram channel link 👇 •●◉✿Pharmacy wala✿◉●• It is official telegram account of Pharmacy wala channel (shahruddin khan) Join this. https://t.me/pharmacywala15M Join whatsapp group👇 https://chat.whatsapp.com/ElxPp2Dt1a6... ____________________________________________ #importantquestions #dpharmanotes #DPharma #dpharma1styear #dpharma2ndyear #dpharmacy #BPharma #bpharmacy #syllabus #importantquestions #exam #exitexam2024 D Pharm Introduction D Pharm syllabus D Pharm 1st Year D Pharm exit exam D Pharm result 2024 D Pharm class 1st year D Pharm 2nd year Pharmacology human anatomy and physiology d pharmacy 1st year human anatomy and physiology d pharmacy 1st year important questions pharmaceutics d pharma 1st year pharmaceutics d pharma 1st year chapter 1 pharmaceutics d pharma 1st year important questions 2024 pharmaceutical chemistry d pharm 1st year pharmaceutical chemistry d pharm 1st year important questions pharmaceutical chemistry d pharm 1st year important questions in hindi pharmacognosy d pharm 1st year pharmacognosy d pharm 1st year important questions social pharmacy d pharmacy 1st year social pharmacy d pharmacy 1st year important questions 2024 Introduction to Social Pharmacy : Definition and Scope : Social Pharmacy as a discipline and its scope in improving the public health. Role of Pharmacists in Public Health. Concept of Health -WHO Definition, various dimensions, determinants, and health indicators. National Health Policy – Indian perspective Public and Private Health System in India, National Health Mission ntroduction to Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals, FIP Development Goals Preventive healthcare – Role of Pharmacists in the following Demography and Family Planning Mother and child health, importance of breastfeeding, ill effects of infant milk substitutes and bottle feeding Overview of Vaccines, types of immunity and immunization Effect of Environment on Health – Water pollution, importance of safe drinking water, waterborne diseases, air pollution, noise pollution, sewage and solid waste disposal, occupational illnesses, Environmental pollution due to pharmaceuticals Psychosocial Pharmacy: Drugs of misuse and abuse - psychotropics, narcotics, alcohol, tobacco products. Social Impact of these habits on social health and productivity and suicidal behaviours Nutrition and Health Basics of nutrition – Macronutrients and Micronutrients Importance of water and fibres in diet Balanced diet, Malnutrition, nutrition deficiency diseases, ill effects of junk foods, calorific and nutritive values of various foods, fortification of food Introduction to food safety, adulteration of foods, effects of artificial ripening, use of pesticides, genetically modified foods Dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, food supplements– indications, benefits, Drug-Food Interactions Introduction to Microbiology and common microorganisms Epidemiology: Introduction to epidemiology, and its applications. Understanding of terms such as epidemic, pandemic, endemic, mode of transmission, outbreak, quarantine, isolation, incubation period, contact tracing, morbidity, mortality, Causative agents, epidemiology and clinical presentations and Role of Pharmacists in educating the public in prevention of the following communicable diseases: Respiratory infections – chickenpox, measles, rubella, mumps, influenza (including Avian-Flu, H1N1, SARS, MERS, COVID-19), diphtheria, whooping cough, meningococcal meningitis, acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis, Ebola Intestinal infections – poliomyelitis, viral hepatitis,cholera, acute diarrheal diseases, typhoid, amebiasis, worm infestations, food poisoning