The Only Video you Need to Climb out of Gold in Valorant! (2024)

The Only Video you Need to Climb out of Gold in Valorant! (2024)

Check out this video to learn how to fix your mistakes and climb out of gold in Valorant in just 10 days! These Valorant tips and strategies will help you improve your gameplay and rank up in this highly competitive game. I'll share crucial tips and tricks on how to improve your aim, movement, and game sense. With these techniques, you'll be able to carry your team and move up the ranks in no time. Don't miss out on this valuable advice and start dominating in Valorant today! #valorant #valoranttips #valorantclips Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @animalisticgaming   Free E-Book (How to Transform Your Life as a Gamer) Exercise & Nutrition Coaching For Gamers Edited by: zzBankai Subscribe for more Health & Gaming Tips    / @animalisticgaming   Share this video with a friend:    • The Only Video you Need to Climb out ...   Watch next –    • How to Actually IMPROVE Game Sense in...   Recommended Playlist –    • Playlist   Time Stamps 0:00 00:45 Tip 1 03:06 Tip 2 05:39 Tip 3 07:28 Tip 4 Let’s connect: Instagram –   / dylanfburns   Tiktok –   / dylanfburns   Discord –   / discord   (Val Coaching/Fitness advice) Dylan B Plays Thank you for watching my video and subscribing to the channel! I appreciate every single one of you! And if there is any topic you would like a video on or you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask in the comments!