신현근 박사: 역전이 이론에 관한 Heimann의 기여와 사례

신현근 박사: 역전이 이론에 관한 Heimann의 기여와 사례

Paula Heimann's contribution to the new theory of conuntertransference and her case showing the introjection of the analyst by the patient The aim of the analyst's own analysis is not to turn him into a mechanical brain which can produce interpretations on the basis of a purely intellectual interpretations on the bais of a purely intellectual procedure, but to enable him to sustain his feelings as opposed to discharging them like the patient (Heimann, 1960, p 152) This lecture provided in one of the classes of Innovative Coaching Center (ICC) - "Kleinian Object Relations Theories and their History" - in Korean language (한국어) is publicly posted to help Korean-speaking communities and their members located in various areas of the world have an easy access to the psychoanalytic and spiritual insights and wisdoms 이 ICC 영상 강좌를 세계 여러 곳에 계시는 한인 공동체와 공동체 소속원들께서 정신분석적, 영성적 통찰과 지혜에 쉽게 접할 수 있도록 돕고자 여러분들께 공개합니다 ▶과목 (Subject) ICC1952: 클라인 학파 대상관계 이론과 그 역사 (Kleinian Object Relations Theories and their History) ▶강사 (Professor) 신현근 교수 (Simon Shin, PhD : Life Coach, Psychoanalyst, Spiritual Director) ▶영어 주교재 Hinshelwood, R D (1994) Clinical Klein: From theory to practice New York: Basic Books ▶한글 주교재 임상적 클라인 – 이론과 실제(2006) R D Hinshelwood(지은이) 이재훈(옮긴이) 한국심리치료연구소 ▶추천 교재 Segal H (1990) Klein New York and London: Routledge (First published 1979 by The Harvest Press Ltd ) Klein, M (2017) The Collected Works of Melanie Klein New York and London: Routledge