Come And Behold Him | Unclogging The Spiritual Life | Pastor John Eastwood
Subscribe to the latest sermons: https://bit.ly/2Vqyyhl Sometimes life just gets clogged up. We are out of sync with God, Others and even ourselves. Our relationship with God feels dry , even non-existent. we see dysfunction in our relationships. we are just not in a good place. What can be done about this? What is Gods solution? Listen to the message. It is an Advent message but also one that is good for any day of the year. To support this ministry and help us continue to spread the Love of Jesus click here: https://www.calvarysouthbury.com/give Calvary Southbury is a church where Jesus is made known, people are being transformed, and all are loved. Calvary Southbury is a non-denominational christian church located in Southbury, CT. We believe that God can use this church to impact the region and the world! Stay Connected! Website: CalvarySouthbury.com Calvary Southbury Facebook: https://bit.ly/30WIrUV Calvary Southbury Instagram: https://bit.ly/320RLst Capilla Danbury: https://www.capilladanbury.com/