All Souls' Day. Mass In English. Tuesday, 2nd November 2021. 8.00pm
All Souls' Day, also known as the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed and the Day of the Dead, is a day of prayer and remembrance for the souls of those who have died, which is observed by Roman Catholics and other Christian denominations annually on November 2. A Broadcast Mass is to cater for the needs of those who for one reason or another are unable to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. These individuals have been granted dispensation by our Bishop from performing their Sunday obligation due to restrictions under the current Covid-19 Pandemic. For those who are home bound and not able to attend Sunday Mass, watching the Broadcast Mass live via the Internet is a means for them to be united spiritually with the Church in prayer. / cicpenang / cicpenang Copyright © 2021 Church of the Immaculate Conception Penang. All rights reserved. #cicpenang #cicmedia