How to do the Pickup Coil Mod on a Kawasaki Vulcan 750

How to do the Pickup Coil Mod on a Kawasaki Vulcan 750

Welcome to the Checkered Floor Garage. This video is the first in a new series of mods I will showcase for the VN750A, also known as the Vulcan 750. Is your Vulcan hard to start? Particularly when the engine is hot? Well first, make sure you have a good AGM battery installed and even iridium tipped spark plugs can help. But if you've checked this, then it may be worth while to do the Pickup Coil Mod. In this mod, the clearance of the pickup coils is reduced from factory ~0.030" to 0.020" or even 0.018". I did this mod in 2021 and have ridden my Vulcan for about 8,000 miles since then. The difference in how easily my Vulcan starts now is incredible! It's highly recommend to get some JIS (Japan Industrial Standard) drivers and bits when working on these bikes. JIS screws are cut ever so slightly different from Philips screws. The Philips head bit can be easily prone to rounding/striping the screw. A JIS bit in a JIS screw will almost never slip out. A JIS screw can be recognized by a small dot stamped into the screw head. (thank you norgeek for this insight) Here is a helpful post from the Vulcan 750 forum about the pickup coil mod: Here is the link to the electronic Clymer Service Manual: Here is the playlist of videos I have made detailing other maintenance & service items on this bike.    • Kawasaki Vulcan 750 Maintenance & Ser...   Other helpful links for Vulcan 750 owners: VN750 Forum Vulcan Slang for Newcomers Helpful Vulcan 750 Links and Info: Useful Electrical Info Engine Rebuild Videos Helpful Videos from Other Youtubers    • Helpful VN750 Videos from other Youtu...