Read Bible - Psalms Chapter 87 - English King James Version

Read Bible - Psalms Chapter 87 - English King James Version

#FullerChurch #LydiaEnochAcademyUniversityTheologicalSeminary #LydiaEnochSweetFamily #福乐教会 #妮蒂雅以诺学院大学神学院 #妮蒂雅以诺甜蜜的家庭 谢谢您收看收听福乐教会的信息,愿神通过这些信息的将祝福临到您。 Thank you for watching the Sunday Worship messages of Fuller Church. May the blessings of these messages come to you. The messages of the Preacher of Fuller Church have pastored many brothers and sisters around the world for many years. Thank the Triune True God for using them to send grace and blessings to you. 圣经 The Holy Bible 预订参加福乐教会现场主日聚会午餐会 FULLER CHURCH ON-SITE SUNDAY WORSHIP LUNCH PARTY 预订参加福乐教会现场查经班晚餐会 FULLER CHURCH ON-SITE BIBLE STUDY DINNER PARTY 预订福乐教会现场赞美诗歌班见证分享晚餐会 FULLER CHURCH ONSITE PRAISE SONG CLASS WITNESS SHARING DINNER PARTY 预订妮蒂雅以诺家庭学校学院学业见面午餐会 LYDIA ENOCH HOMESCHOOL ACADEMY MEET LUNCHEON PARTY 联系我们 Contact Us 地点Address:美国华盛顿州伦顿 Location: Renton,Washington, USA 联系预约电邮 Appointment Email: [email protected] 网站Website: 面书 Facebook: 请尊重福乐教会传播事工,不要任意使用福乐教会版权内容,若有问题请与福乐联络。 Please support and respect the communication ministry of the Fuller Church, and don't use the copyrighted content of the Fuller Church arbitrarily. When you have any questions, please contact the Fuller Church. ---------------------------------- 愿神祝福我们继续天天与神同行,经历神大爱大能同在!得着神所赐天家里永恒福乐! Thank you again for your participation. May the Triune True God blessings you and with us to continue walking with God each day, receive more blessings from God, and experience God's great love and mighty presence! Living in the true blessings that God has giving! Receive the eternal blessings of Heaven Home from the God 有需要请打开以下链接,选择填写决志表格,参加慕道班表格,加入福乐教会表格。 To contact us, please open the link below and choose to fill in the Decision Follow God Form, Join the Longing for the word of God and Baptized Course Form, and Join the Fuller Church Form. 有感动要奉献,定期的奉献,为福乐教会事工奉献的弟兄姐妹们,和需要收据,请点击下方链接来进行奉献。感谢您的奉献!让神的福音,神的事工祝福世界各地更多需要的人! The brothers and sisters who are moved to give,brothers and sisters want to periodical give, and brothers and sisters want to give for God gave us Church ministry, Dedication to support the Global Network Ministry of Fuller Church,and fill in the form information that requires the receipt, Please click on the link below to give. Thank you for your give! Let God's gospel and God's ministry blessings more people who in need around the world! 福乐教会讲道解经灵修书 - 繁体字&英文版本 - 亚马逊电子书 Fuller Church's Preaching and Explanation Devotional Book - Traditional Chinese & English Version - Amazon eBooks 福乐教会讲道解经灵修书 - 简体字露露电子书 Fuller Church Sermons and Bible Explanations - Simplified Chinese Lulu eBook ~ 请点赞,订阅,分享,一起祝福更多需要的人! ~ Please like, subscribe, share, and bless more people in need! 福乐教会 I 福乐网上教会 FULLER CHURCH I FULLER ONLINE CHURCH #永恒国度 #满足赏赐 #各样冠冕 #TriuneTrue God #LordJesusChrist #Instrumentalt