Loving Kindness Meditation. Evening #1 with Tom Ledermann
Participate in Chan meditation events and learn about our long (5-day and 7-day) in-person meditation retreats. Subscribe to learn more, or visit our list of offerings at https://www.TallahasseeChan.org/events. Join us for a 4-part class on Loving Kindness (mettā) led by Tom Ledermann, on Tuesdays, August 20, 27, September 3, and 10, from 6:30-8 PM. Feel free to drop in on any class. Loving kindness is a frequently used translation for the Pali word Mettā or the Sanskrit word maitrī. Another commonly used translation of Mettā is benevolence. Mettā refers to qualities of friendliness, love, goodwill, and active interest in others. The concept suggests that Mettā is universal and selfless. It is an all-embracing love. Mettā meditation is one of the practices that can help us to develop compassion for others. In the four evenings, we deepen our practice of loving kindness and learn to integrate it into our daily lives. ============================================ Join the Tallahassee Chan Center online for live meditations and discussion. Learn more at https://tallahasseechan.org/events/. For a 30-minute guided sitting meditation by Guo Gu, watch this video: • Guided Sitting Meditation, Guo Gu Guided Sitting Meditation, Guo Gu #Buddha #Buddhism #Chan #Zen #Meditation #GuoGu