the third psalm (solemn Vespers, first Sunday of advent)
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the third psalm (solemn Vespers, first Sunday of advent)
first psalm (solemn Vespers, first sunday of Advent)
5pm Solemn Vespers, Adoration & Benediction. The First Sunday of Advent. 3rd December 2023
Gaudete Sunday Solemn Vespers--Benediction--Low Mass--Third Sunday of Advent--Advent Church Hymns
5pm Solemn Vespers, Adoration & Benediction - Third Sunday of Advent - 12th December 2021
Solemn Vespers for the First Sunday of Advent
Solemn Vespers on the Third Sunday of Advent - December 13, 2020
1st Vespers of the Third Sunday of Advent
Solemn Vespers & Benediction 1st Sunday of Advent AD 2013 Part 2 of 3