열악한 환경에 불편한 몸으로 강아지들을 구조해 생활하는 할아버지 (2)
🐾 학대받은 유기견들에게 새 삶을 선물합니다 "여러분의 후원은 아이들의 치료와 행복한 일상에 사용됩니다 " 📌 후원 : 3333-03-0188209 (카카오 뱅크) 열악한 환경에 불편한 몸으로 강아지들을 구조해 생활하는 할아버지 (2) #강아지구조 (An elderly man rescuing and living with dogs in difficult conditions despite his own physical challenges 2nd story) An elderly man living with many abandoned dogs We decided to visit him again, bringing some food along He warmly welcomed us with his dogs by his side Recently, one of the dogs gave birth to puppies, and the elderly man wanted to tidy up the house However, with the old house, the numerous stray dogs, and his own physical difficulties, he couldn't manage it So, we decided to clean up the dirty house and get rid of the piles of trash The stench was overwhelming, but we took a deep breath and continued cleaning The elderly man rolled up his sleeves and joined in After cleaning, we fed the dogs with new food we brought We also prepared some food for the elderly man and packed him some snacks We hope he stays healthy until we meet again