Heart of Worship | Seth Conerly | Metro Community Church

Heart of Worship | Seth Conerly | Metro Community Church

Heart of Worship | stoke the fire | week 3 Seth Conerly • To watch the full service head over to metro.live! • Thank you for being a part of the Metro Community Church online community. We exist to make Jesus known in communities across the globe and are based in Edwardsville, IL as well as Vandalia, IL. We hope that we can be a resource for you! • Stay Connected: Our website: https://www.metrocommunitychurch.com/... FACEBOOK:   / metrocommunitychurch   INSTA: @metrocommchurch TIKTOK: @metrocommchurch CHANNEL:    / @metrocommchurch   • #metrolive #2025sermons #onlinechurch #faith #preaching #metrochurch #sethconerly #midwestchurch #liveworship #churchlivestream #christian #sermons #jesussongs #jesus #church #churchservice #livechurchservicetoday #worshipservice #churchservicelive #sundaychurchservice #livechurchservice