BABYMONSTER 'SHEESH' (with UNRELEASED DEMO RAP) Full Version (Mixed by Leftie.)

BABYMONSTER 'SHEESH' (with UNRELEASED DEMO RAP) Full Version (Mixed by Leftie.)

Fusing the demo rap part into the original audio. DISCLAIMER: I do not own the audios (Both Official and Demo) that was used and edited nor the photo (BABYMONS7ER Album Photo) on the video. All remains to rightful claim and not intended to steal anything from the company (YG, BABYMONSTER). This edit is such for pure fun, entertainment and no malice intention. No copyright infringement. EDITED BY Leftie. Tiktok Video Source: Tiktok Account: Left. (kaliwete.haha) Music Source Link:    • BABYMONSTER - ‘SHEESH’ M/V   (BABYMONSTER 'SHEESH' M/V) Music in this video Song: SHEESH Artist: BABYMONSTER Album: BABYMONS7ER