Holy Communion - November 10th, 2024 (The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost)

Holy Communion - November 10th, 2024 (The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost)

Full service of Holy Communion for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, November 10th, 2024. The Rev. Joan F. Conley presided, read the Gospel (Mark 12:38-44) and preached. Mari Karner read the other lessons (Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17, Psalm 127). Jeffrey Kist led prayers and served as Eucharistic Minister with JoAnn Riccardi. Today our stewardship "Ministry Minute" was from our delegates to Diocesan Convention, which was this weekend. Warden Marsha Mackey and vestry secretary JoAnn Riccardi talked about their experiences and the priorities Bishop Hughes has outlined for the diocese. Music was in "folk mass" style, provided by Christian Paolino, Kim Queren and Owen Sheridan. Selections included: Prelude: “On the Willows” from GODSPELL ©1977 Quartet Music/Range Road Music/New Cadenza Music TEXT: Psalm 137 adapted by Stephen Schwartz TUNE: Stephen Schwartz Processional: “Blest are They” ©1986 GIA Publications TEXT: Matthew 5:3-12 adapted by David Haas TUNE: David Haas Kyrie: From THE NEW WORLD (public domain) Antonín Dvořák Offertory: “The Cry of the Poor” ©1978, 1991 John Foley SJ & New Dawn Music TEXT & TUNE: John Foley, SJ Communion: “All Good Gifts” from GODSPELL ©1977 Quartet Music/Range Road Music/New Cadenza Music TEXT: Matthias Claudius (1782); Translator: Jane M. Campbell (1861)TUNE: Stephen Schwartz Recessional: “City of God” © 1981 Daniel L. Schutte SJ & NALR TEXT & TUNE: Dan Schutte SJ Postlude: “This Land is Your Land” © 1944 Ludlow Music/Richmond/Guthrie family TEXT & TUNE: Woody Guthrie