How Soon Can You Know Your HIV Status After Unprotected Sex? | सेक्स के बाद HIV स्थिति कब पता चलेगी?

How Soon Can You Know Your HIV Status After Unprotected Sex? | सेक्स के बाद HIV स्थिति कब पता चलेगी?

How soon after unprotected sex you will be 100 % sure of HIV status? | Dr. Pratik Savaj Over the years of significant improvement in HIV management by ART, today’s research mainly aims at developing medicines with long-lasting effects. . Unlike currently available drugs with daily dosing, the future long-lasting drugs are expected to have weekly, monthly, or even less frequent dosing . Listen from the expert himself, Dr. Pratik Savaj, an HIV Specialist, based in Surat, Gujarat about the future of HIV & its treatment #HIVTesting #HIVStatus #HIVAwareness #UnprotectedSex #HIVPrevention #HIVInfo #HIVKnowledge #TestingTimeline #hivexposure #unprotectedsex