RAPTURE and The STARS 🎺 October 2024! Celestial WARNINGS of the END

RAPTURE and The STARS 🎺 October 2024! Celestial WARNINGS of the END

Is the rapture coming as the signs in the stars ? Jesus is coming soon? In October 2024, we will witness a remarkable series of astrological events, including the new moon coinciding with Rosh Hashanah, the appearance of the Star of Jacob asteroid, a ring of fire eclipse, meteor showers, and the arrival of the Suchinshun Atlas Comet. These events may have connections to the biblical Book of Revelation, with the Star of Jacob being a sight not seen since the time of Jesus. The comet will come closest to Earth on October 12th, and if it doesn't break apart, it will be easily visible. Additionally, there will be a full moon and a supermoon during this busy astrological month. #rapture #jesusiscoming #endtimes #stars #truth