"The Get Right Appetite", TVC Virtual Worship Experience, Sunday July 31, 2022

"The Get Right Appetite", TVC Virtual Worship Experience, Sunday July 31, 2022

Fellowship with us LIVE every Saturday at 6:00 pm, Sunday at 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 AM & 6 pm EST on our website thevoicechurch.org & YouTube! Join our community through our social media platforms, we want to connect with YOU: @The Voice Church on Facebook @thevoicechurchmd on Instagram @VoiceChurchMD on Twitter Website: thevoicechurch.org Join us on our prayer call every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday morning at 6:00AM EST! Dial in #: 716.427.1060 Access code: 681968 Playback #: 857.357.0208 Access code: 681968 To Honor God thru Giving with TVC, choose any one of our portals: TEXT: “MYVOICE” to (888) 364-GIVE (4483) WEBSITE: https://thevoicechurch.org - PAYPAL CashApp: $thevoicechurch GIVELIFY: Worship World Church US MAIL: PO Box 2623, Laurel, MD 20709 Thank you! #usingOURvoice #BishopBest #TheGetRightAppetite