I Invested £10 A Day For 30 Days On Trading 212, Here’s What Happened!
Sponsored Link. To get free fractional shares worth up to £100, you can open an account with Trading 212 through this link https://www.trading212.com/join/MITCH. Or Use PROMO CODE “MITCH”. When investing, your capital is at risk. Terms and Conditions Apply. Thanks to Trading 212 for sponsoring this video. At the beginning of August I decided to start an investing challenge. That challenge being to invest £10 a day into the stock market on Trading 212, for the next 30 days, to see if i could make a profit by the end of the month. I did this challenge to show investing beginners how you can start investing, even with a small amount of money, and also to highlight how the stock market fluctuates in value throughout the month depending on different new events and circumstances. I did this challenge over on Trading 212, which is the app I use, so be sure to grab your free share with them if you also want to get started investing too for as little as £1. 📷 Instagram: @mitchinvesting #Trading212 #InvestingForBeginners #Trading212ISA Disclaimer: Your capital is at risk. Some of these links may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service using one of these links, I will receive a small commission from the seller. There will be no additional charge for you. Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, and this information is not financial advice. When investing, your capital is at risk and you may get back less than invested. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results. If you enable interest on Invest and Stocks ISA accounts, Trading 212 will hold your cash in qualifying money market funds and banks. Otherwise, your cash will be held only in banks. Interest applies on cash in an investment account. Terms and fees apply*. Disclaimer: All ideas presented within this video are that of my own based on my own opinions. Please do not consider any of these videos as financial advice as I am NOT a financial advisor. All financial decisions and choices made are solely your responsibility. The views shared in this video are just for entertainment purposes only. When investing, your capital is at risk and can go up in value as well as down in value. You should consult a suitably qualified professional when seeking out investment advice in order to fully understand the risks associated with investing.