Nice Guys Finish Last | CUT HER OFF!
The skit I saw on TikTok sparked this video idea. I truly desire to bring forth some wisdom for young men in their season of singleness. I've been a "nice guy" for over 20 years and also seen others experience this treatment as well. People may disagree with my views on having "friends" of the opposite sex, but I'm telling you, that "friend" is most likely using you knowing you like her. But when you meet someone new, she will be like the mosquito buzzing past your ear. Just hear me out! I hope this blesses you in Yahusha (Jesus) name! 🙏🏾 Amarii Usher's YT Channel: / @amariiusher Ministry Page: / @willofyah To donate or for inquiries, features, beats: https://www.timmyleegleen.net/ #friendzone #niceguy #niceguys #relationshipadvice Video Chapters: 0:00 - Recap 0:18 - "Nice Guy" Skit 4:57 - Intro 5:27 - STOP Being A Nice Guy 6:55 - Having Great Qualities 7:52 - She Don't Like You/She's The Wrong Woman 10:03 - Cut Her Off/Don't Be Her Friend 12:50 - Purity In Your Singleness 15:02 - Work On Yourself In Your Singleness 18:55 - Put God First/Trust Your Gut 21:40 - You Want Someone For YOU 23:24 - Don't Let This Change You 27:03 - Slight Testimony 28:50 - The Importance of Inner Qualities 30:26 - Conclusion