கர்ப்பமான முதல் மூன்று மாதம் எப்படி இருக்கும்??  I Dr.Rupalatha I LKSR Women Care Centre

கர்ப்பமான முதல் மூன்று மாதம் எப்படி இருக்கும்?? I Dr.Rupalatha I LKSR Women Care Centre

#firsttrimesterofpregnancy #pregnancyfirstthreemonths #pregnancyearlysymptoms #drrupalatha #lksr #lksrwomencarecentre #bestgynaecologistinkanchipuram Dr.Rupalatha Obstetrics & Gynaecologist Kanchipuram The first trimester begins on the first day of your last period and lasts until the end of week 12. This means that by the time you know for sure you're pregnant, you might already be five or six weeks pregnant! A lot happens during these first three months. The fertilised egg rapidly divides into layers of cells and implants in the wall of your womb where it carries on growing. These layers of cells become an embryo, which is what the baby is called at this stage. During this trimester, your baby grows faster than at any other time. By six weeks, a heartbeat can usually be heard and by the end of week 12, your baby's bones, muscles and all the organs of the body have formed. At this point, your baby looks like a tiny human being and is now called a fetus. He or she will even be practising swallowing! Address: LKSR Women Care Centre No. 12, CV Rajagopal St, near Police Station, Chinna Kanchipuram, Nethaji Nagar, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu 631501 FB:   / lksrwomencarecentre   Instagram:   / lksrwomencarecentre   Website: http://lksrwomencarecentre.com/