TRAVEL FRIENDLY SERIES DAY 7 FINALE | bodyweight strong and lean upper body workout optional gliders

TRAVEL FRIENDLY SERIES DAY 7 FINALE | bodyweight strong and lean upper body workout optional gliders

Welcome to the travel friendly series! This series is for those who are looking for a full workout with warm up and cooldown, with effective and challenging exercises even without a gym. This series is also meant for those who are either going to a gym and would like more bodyweight exercises to add to their routine or for those who are working out at home looking for challenging and effective exercises. However you found this video, I welcome you, and hope you enjoy the programming behind this series. It's definitely not an easy series but will get your body moving, get your results but don't come after me if you feel sore.. because you will be :) but trust me, its worth it. If using equipment: Gliders or socks with surface that you can slide on such as hardwood Today's ootd:    • UNSPONSORED SUMMER YOUNG LA CURVE HOU...   (not sponsored) Welcome to my personal training studio where I share workouts, yoga & recovery videos and fun content like taste tests and athleisure clothing hauls! Now a mobility and functional coach for 5 years, I included a mobility warm up and targeted cool down / stretches to give you a short but complete and effective workout. Bikari room is meant for anyone who loves fitness, to anyone starting out their fitness journey. Hope you enjoy my videos as much as I love sharing my passion for fitness! ♡ Instagram: Healthappysecrets