FCC Louisburg Christmas Day - 10:30am (12/25/2022)
Christmas Day Worship @ 10:30am. Prelude – "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" (1:09) Welcome and Announcements (3:06) Hymn of Gathering – "Once in Royal David’s City" (6:04) Responsive Call to Worship - "Psalm 98" (9:19) Scripture Reading - "Isaiah 52.7-10" (10:47) Sermon – "Christmas in the Rubble" (11:51) Call for our Offerings, Doxology, Prayer (21:46) Sharing of Joys & Concerns and Pastoral Prayer (24:37) The Lord’s Supper & The Lord's Prayer (30:03) Communion Song – "What Child Is This" (33:15) Closing Hymn – "Go, Tell It on the Mountain" (39:04) Benediction & Postlude - "Joy to the World" (41:22) Join us for Sunday morning worship at First Christian Church of Louisburg, KS. In the sanctuary at 10:30am (live stream). Visit our website at www.fcclouisburgks.org