(L-19) Money & Banking | MUDRA Bank | Public Sector Banks | Merger of SBI & its Associative Banks

(L-19) Money & Banking | MUDRA Bank | Public Sector Banks | Merger of SBI & its Associative Banks

Lucent GK Indian Economy Money, Banking and Insurance in India MUDRA Bank Public Sector Banks No. of SC Banks Merger of SBI Associates Lead Bank Scheme Banking Reforms Scheduled and Non-scheduled Banks Regional Rural Banks Co-operative Banks Bharatiya Mahila Bank #MUDRAbank #MergerofSBI #PSU Indian Polity-   • Lucent's GK-Indian Polity & Constitution   Indian Economy-    • Lucent's GK- Indian economy   World Map-    • World Map   General Knowledge https://www.amazon.in/dp/9384761540/r... Email- [email protected]