RBI/NABARD#DAY-18# SANKALP HARD ROUTINE@( The harder you work, the better you get)

RBI/NABARD#DAY-18# SANKALP HARD ROUTINE@( The harder you work, the better you get)

Day 18: HARD CHALLENGE TARGET 1: FINANCIAL INCLUSION TARGET 2: MOTIVATION TARGET 3: Economic ECONOMIC REVIEW DOCUMENT ( 5 PAGES) TARGET 4: Cropping CROPPING PATTERN TARGET 5: QRE TARGET 6 - PHASE 1 GA PARCHAM CLASSES TARGET 7: SCHEME TAB 1st Feb to 5th Feb TARGET 8: Current Affairs, 6th APRIL to 10th APRIL TARGET 9: 1 MOCK QRE In this series, I shared the daily routine study journey of the RBI Grade B examination and the NABARD Grade A examination. Here we will follow a dedicated study routine in a strict time-bound manner. We will cover day by day the complete syllabus of ESI, Finance, and Management, and also cover ARD for the NABARD examination. Let's do it in this SANKALP ROUTINE SERIES. 90-day hard study challenge for RBI & NABARD examinations with a strong belief system that ensures our selection without any distractions. the focus area in the 90-day hard challenge: complete clarity a consistent and focused mind belief in one's strategy and preparation relying on a single source for one subject 6 days of strong study and a 7th day of complete revision