playing iNSiDE OUT 2 with ADLEY NiKO & NAVEY!!  Character Guess Game! Escape Joy Obby & Crazy Tycoon

playing iNSiDE OUT 2 with ADLEY NiKO & NAVEY!! Character Guess Game! Escape Joy Obby & Crazy Tycoon

WELCOME to our NEW G FOR GAMiNG SETUP!! JOIN THE FAM -    / @gforgaming   HEY EVERYBODY!! Welcome back boys & girls to another CRAZY episode of G for Gaming! Do you all know what's going on inside Adley's head? Well we sure don't, but in todays episode we are playing some games that will maybe help us understand! Today we played some brand new Roblox obby games and quizzes that were all based on Inside Out 2! Since we just barely went on saw the movie, Adley, Niko and Dad all thought that today we would play Inside Out 2 games in Roblox! We played an Inside Out 2 tycoon game, some obbies and last but not least, we played the Inside Out 2 Roblox quiz! Even though we had just watched the new movie, we were still struggling to remember all of the character's names! There was Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust but we didn't know the names of Riley's parents or friends, it was so hard! Have you seen Inside Out 2? Have you played any of the games that we played today? Thanks for watching!! BYE! PSSSHHHHHHH enjoy some A for Adley videos:    / aforadleyle.  . have a blast with our A for Adley Shorts:    / @aforadleyshorts   share a best day ever with our family:    / shonduras   fun best day ever shorts: watch the latest A for Adley video: ADLEY's MYSTERY CAFE has a new NAVEY BOSS!! Chef Adley and Fancy Niko serve crazy food to customers    • ADLEY's MYSTERY CAFE has a new NAVEY ...   this is our channel G for Gaming!! this is a place that i can share all of my favorite gaming moments!!