2025-01-19 8:30 am Celebration of Holy Mass for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Welcome to the Sunday Mass for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Our readings today are all about hope. In the First Reading from Isaiah, we hear how Jerusalem will no longer be desolate or forsaken but will overflow with life. She shall now be called "My Delight". Our Gospel gives us the familiar story about the wedding feast at Cana. We remember Mary's words to the servants: "Do whatever he tells you". The same applies to us. Do we listen to the voice of the Lord in our prayers, meditating on Scripture and Spiritual Reading that we do? Do we act on these words and do whatever the Lord tells us to do. In our second reading from Corinthians we are reminded that each one of us has been given special gifts to build up the kingdom of God. Once again, let us listen to the promptings of the Lord and get involved in whatever ministry he Lord calls us to do. Responsorial Psalm is Psalm 96: "Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples".