Holy Mass on Sunday of the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (10/24/21) #yearofstjoseph
October 24, 2021 Welcome to Holy Mass on Sunday of the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, live-streamed from the Shrine of St. Joseph. Our presider is Fr. Matthew Spencer, O.S.J., Shrine Director and Provincial for the Oblates of St. Joseph. ---------SUPPORT--------- Grateful for the good gifts you’ve received? Give to God, through the Shrine of St. Joseph. Offertory: https://www.shrinestjoseph.com/donate What a blessing that you prayed alongside us today. We’re grateful for your prayers and support of our online ministry. God bless you! ---------SHRINE OF ST. JOSEPH--------- Shrine of St. Joseph: https://www.shrinestjoseph.com/ Shrine of St, Joseph Facebook: / shrinestjoseph Oblates of St. Joseph: http://osjusa.org/ Shrine Coffee: https://shrinecoffee.com/ Stay Connected: Sign up here to receive regular updates: https://shrine.flocknote.com The Shrine App can be found in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store as Shrine of St. Joseph