God's Fire Cleanses Us | Pauline Garcia | January 28, 2024 - English Service

God's Fire Cleanses Us | Pauline Garcia | January 28, 2024 - English Service

Screen recording, reproduction, and reuploading of Hills of Zion City Church Marikina messages and videos are prohibited. Re-uploads will be reported for copyright infringement. ABOUT THIS MESSAGE Speaker: Sis. Pauline Garcia Message Title: God's Fire Cleanses Us TIMECODES 0:00 Introduction 12:16 Opening Prayer 21:00 Praise and Worship 1:05:09 Announcements 1:14:12 Testimony 1:23:23 Message 2:31:06 Response Song and Benediction ABOUT HILLS OF ZION CITY CHURCH MARIKINA Vision Statement: To be conformed unto the image and character of our Lord Jesus Christ, bringing many sons unto glory. Mission Statement: We are a church dedicated to advance and propagate the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, establishing the vision of Zion in the nations - holiness and fullness of maturity, instituting worship in the holiest place, preparing the church as the Bride of Christ, pure and without blemish, made ready for His coming. FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook:   / hillsofzioncitychurch   Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6sNTUUY...