Elvin Hayes is No. 31 on Nick Wright's Top 50 NBA Players of the Last 50 Years

Elvin Hayes is No. 31 on Nick Wright's Top 50 NBA Players of the Last 50 Years

Elvin Hayes, fourth on the all time rebounding list, is No. 31 on Nick's list. Hayes is 11th on the all time scoring list and averaged 21 points and 13 rebounds for his career. Nick calls Hayes an absolute "ironman," as he played 80+ games all 16 years of his career, and says the championship he won with the Washington Bullets is a big reason why he's on the list. #WhatsWright #NBA #ElvinHayes SUBSCRIBE to get the latest What's Wright? content: http://sprtspod.fox/whatswright/youtube Listen to What's Wright? podcast on Apple Podcasts: http://sprtspod.fox/WhatsWright/apple Listen to What's Wright? podcast on on Spotify: http://sprtspod.fox/whatswright/spotify The all-new FOX Sports App, built for the modern sports fan: https://tinyurl.com/y4uouolb ► Club Shay Shay’s YouTube channel: http://sprtspod.fox/SubscribeCLUBSHAY... ► First Things First’s YouTube channel: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeFIRSTTHINGSFIRST ► UNDISPUTED’s YouTube channel: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeUNDISPUTED ► The Herd with Colin Cowherd’s YouTube channel: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeTHEHERD ► Speak for Yourself’s YouTube channel: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeSPEAKFORYOURSELF ► FOX Bet Live’s YouTube Channel: https://foxs.pt/SubscribeFOXBETLIVE ► Titus & Tate’s YouTube channel: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeTITUSANDTATE ►The Skip Bayless Show YouTube Channel: http://sprtspod.fox/SUBSCRIBESkipShow Like What's Wright? on Facebook:   / whatswrightshow   Follow What's Wright? on Twitter:   / whatswrightshow   Follow What's Wright? on Instagram:   / whatswrightshow   Follow What's Wright? on TikTok:   / whatswrightshow   About What's Wright? With Nick Wright: Hosted by sports personality and star of FS1’s “First Things First," What's Wright? With Nick Wright will see Nick dish his hot takes on the biggest topics in the world of sports, while sharing the behind-the-scenes of his family life. He'll play games, make lists, and most importantly, he'll tell you what’s Wright. Elvin Hayes is No. 31 on Nick Wright's Top 50 NBA Players of the Last 50 Years    • Elvin Hayes is No. 31 on Nick Wright'...   What's Wright? with Nick Wright    / whatswrightshow