All Rare Pet Locations - Endemic Life Trophy Guide - Monster Hunter World Iceborne
This is a guide that shows all rare endemic life(pets) locations and the time of day they appear in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. This video will also showcase all rare endemic life inside the Seliana House. If you found this video helpful and enjoyable, please Like & Subscribe. If your looking for a specific rare Endemic Life, here are the times: 1. 0:38 Golden Macaque 2. 2:08 Arrowhead Gekko 3. 2:42 Blue Diva 4. 3:56 Sealord's Crestfish 6. 6:06 Wintermoon Nettle 7. 8:06 Moly (Ancient Forest Region Locations) 8. 9:37 Rocky Moly/Moly (Wildspire Waste Region Locations) 9. 10:36 Moly (Coral Highlands Region Locations) 10. 11:32 Moly (Rotten Vale Region Locations) 11. 12:08 Rare Endemic Life Showcase