SILENT HILL 2 REMAKE Let's Play Part 2 - Wood Side Apartments

SILENT HILL 2 REMAKE Let's Play Part 2 - Wood Side Apartments

Hey guys! I'm back! Welcome to my Silent Hill 2 Remake let's play with commentary. I would just like to give a big shout-out to everyone who has helped get this channel over 1000 subs! I can't believe it! You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you all so much! We are now well on the way to 2000 subs! So, please hit that like button if you enjoy the video, and please help me get this channel to 2000 subscribers by smashing that subscribe button, It would be most appreciated! I hope that you enjoy the vid! Today's video: SILENT HILL 2 REMAKE Let's Play Part 2 - Wood Side Apartments Silent Hill 2 Remake Official Website: Video Link:    • SILENT HILL 2 REMAKE Let's Play Part ...   #silenthill2remake #pixelmachinegames