Fluffy Pancakes Without Eggs: No Egg Pancakes by Laura Fuentes
See how to make pancakes without eggs. In this video, I'm using classic pancake ingredients and no eggs to make fluffy pancakes. There are also no substitutes for eggs so it's a really easy pancake recipe. Follow the method shown in this video to learn the secrets! INGREDIENTS BELOW👇 🖨 Recipe: https://www.laurafuentes.com/eggless-... 🚨FREE MEAL PLAN THIS WEEK: http://bit.ly/ExclusiveMP Watch more recipe videos: 🎥 BLUEBERRY PANCAKES: • Fluffy Blueberry Pancakes Recipe | Pa... 🎥 NO MILK PANCAKES: • How to Make Pancakes Without Milk 🎥 PANCAKE PLAYLIST: • Fluffy Pancake Recipes for the Whole ... 📝 INGREDIENTS Yield: 12 servings 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 tablespoons butter, melted #pancakes #pancakerecipe #cookingbasics Follow me everywhere! → My Cookbooks on Amazon: http://bit.ly/LauraFuentesBooks → More School Lunches: https://momables.com → Healthier Family Meals: https://laurafuentes.com → Instagram: / momables → Facebook: https://fb.com/momables CHAPTERS: 0:00 Fluffy pancakes without eggs 0:10 Classic pancake ingredients 0:20 Mix the dry pancake ingredients 0:29 What makes eggless pancakes fluffy? 0:43 Combine the wet pancake ingredients 1:08 The method for fluffy pancakes without eggs 1:21 How to mix pancake batter 1:27 Don't overmix pancake batter 1:39 What does eggless batter look like? 1:46 The trick to pancakes without eggs 1:56 The eggless pancake batter after rest 2:15 How much pancake batter to put on the pan 2:45 How to know when to flip pancakes 2:59 Serving pancakes without eggs Learn to cook delicious family-friendly recipes in under 5 minutes! Hi, I’m Laura, for years I struggled with eating healthier meals consistently with my family & packing school lunches. I launched my websites in 2010 to share practical recipes that are perfect for school lunches & family dinners. From simple bento-style lunches to no-cook ideas, wraps, sandwiches, & hot thermos lunches, your lunch packing dilemmas are covered on https://momables.com If family dinners are a struggle videos on this channel will help you get a meal on the table quickly with ingredients you have on hand which you’ll find on https://laurafuentes.com Subscribe for school lunch ideas, packing tips plus simple & delicious dinners you can make on the busiest of weeknights. Stay tuned for epic pancakes & breakfast ideas that your family will love Let's create delicious, nutritious, & time-saving meals together. Find all 5 of my cookbooks on here http://bit.ly/LaurasCookbooks Contact: [email protected]